Thursday, September 25, 2008

Voting for wisdom

The big question voters need to ask themselves this November: Is there anything - ANYTHING - that Republicans haven't screwed up this past year? And should we really trust them with another four years?

What has gone right in foreign policy? Iran's on the verge of getting nukes; the situation in Israel is worse; the Iraq War should never have happened and has cost us nearly a trillion dollars and over 4000 lives; our indebtedness to China threatens our security; our dependency on foreign oil is greater than ever, and most of the world hates us. Oh yes, and Osama bin Laden is still in business.

What has gone right in domestic policy? Forty -seven million Americans with no health insurance; no real investment in alternative energy production; the many failures of FEMA; a faith based Centers for Disease Control; a gutted justice system; an executive branch in clear violation of the Constitution. Oh yes, and an economy on the verge of collapse.

I remember when the "grown-ups" as they called themselves, came to Washington in 2000 after the Supreme Court threw the election to them. They said they were going to bring dignity to the White House because Bill Clinton's sexual appetite had thrown dignity away.

Well, I think dignity requires more than not having sex in the oval office. Dignity means governing with wisdom and intelligence, knowing what you are doing, and getting it right at least some of the time.

They have gotten everything wrong - EVERYTHING. And if the economy crashes, as it just might, no one will have any dignity left as they stand in unemployment lines and go to soup kitchens to find food.

We can't afford to give another four years to people who have no clue how to govern, but know how to distract and pull stunts and get all upset about sexual matters.

Can't we please, this time, put someone into the White House who knows what he is doing?