Not much time to write today - rare day off to visit with my daughter and grandchilden - but I have to add a few comments about the Snarky Sarah speech from last night.
As I said earlier, I forced myself to watch it, and I kept thinking "Okay, she looks good, she can speak well, she knows how to pause for applause, but something isn't quite right here." Kind of like I was looking at someone who had been programmed, or someone they had resurrected from the dead from another century. I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe after a day or two the right metaphor will come to me, but before that happens, there are a few other things that I am clear on after a good night's sleep.
She was mean, ugly, and dare I say, racist. The multiple references to "community organizers," indicating she didn't know what they did and who they were, and she was better than they were because she had "responsibility" struck me as incredibly condescending, and because many community organizers work in black neighborhoods, racist. Roland Martin, on CNN, was in tears because both of his parents work as community organizers. If she wanted to hurt people, she succeeded. I am beginning to see who this woman is. She fires people to get even, or to get power, she cuts funding for people in need (special needs children, teen moms, etc.) and she doesn't care who she hurts.
The references both she and others made to loving their country all the time were obvious attempts to revive the attack against Michelle Obama, even after Obama himself angrily told reporters that families were "off the table" when they were trying to get him to talk about Palin's family problems.
She had nothing to say about how she and her running mate (who's at the top of the ticket again?) will help people secure health care, fix the economy, create jobs, protect the environment (oh, I forgot, she doesn't believe climate change is man made so I guess the environment, like the polar bear and the rest of us, are out of luck), repair our reputation with the rest of the world, get out of Iraq, fight terrorism, etc. She made more disgusting snide remarks against Obama than she gave us any idea about how she would help the people, which she said two minutes before the end of her speech was what she was going to Washington to do.
She likes to talk about oil, Alaska, EYE RAK, where her son is going, and Obama, but that's about it. Oh, she likes to remind us that she is a hockey mom who wears lipstick, and she sold the state plane on e-bay. (Is lipstick on a hockey mom who thinks she is qualified to be vice president the same as lipstick on a pig? - sorry for the snark, I'm stooping to her level as my mother would say, but she asked for it.)
At least she can pronounce nuclear correctly, because in her transcript they spelled it phonetically for her, but she needs to work on pronouncing Iraq.
The audience was downright juvenile, chanting "drill, baby, drill," during an earlier speech, and clapping madly for every ugly attack on Obama Sarah McNasty laid down. You know what? I think I just realize what it reminded me of. Movie scenes where a crowd of white people are chanting and looking wild-eyed and hateful as they watch a lynching.
I think she lost a lot of potential voters last night because she showed just what the Republicans are running on: oil, anti-elite slogans, no help for the people, tax cuts for the wealthy, "victory" in EYE RAK, hatred for minorities, and the hypocrisy that is Republican "family values."
She gave a great speech, if you want to be reminded of what has happened over the past eight years. And we thought Dick Cheney was bad.