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Daily Democrat
Peace, prosperity, and all things political
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
McCain's new campaign yard signs
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We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
- Albert Einstein
Blog Archive
Picture of the day: Debate camp
President Obama reassures Americans
Further craziness in the American electorate
The candidate is unqualified! Nothing else matters.
Still stuck in the eighties
The brainwashing of America
Can it get more ridiculous?
A lesson for Sean
Shotgun wedding rumors
Sarah Dolittle - reflection on McCain or the Ameri...
The irrelevance of Kissinger and McCain
Sarah Palin as Eliza Dolittle?
The debate
The inmates have taken over the asylum
The cost of the debate "cancellation"
Voting for wisdom
Campaigns in a nutshell
A bad dream?
The state of John McCain's campaign
No time out from war - putting things in perspective
Chicken shit McCain
GOP = Greedy old plutocrats
Elitism, education, and the presidency
The biggest scandals
Baby Sarah's field trip
The stakes in this election
Alaskans are wise to their governor
How to lose your mind: try talking to a Republican
Smartest politician ever?
The eighty year rule
Picture of the day: Palin's basic training
Republicans: ignorant, clueless, or mentally defic...
Paying for your rape kit
Accosted in a parking lot, and talking respectfull...
Time for the pitchforks and torches
Cartoon of the day
President Obama meeting with the best and brightest
Ending the failed economic policies of the past 8 ...
McCain voters explained
Quote for the day
This woman is a joke
Pearls of wisdom from Caribou Barbie
John McCain's campaign made simple
Just shut up!
Quote of the day
A letter to the troops
True believers
Can we use our brains for just a minute - those of...
Picture of the day
Words of a former Republican
Obama's secret weapons
Nightmare scenario
To save the Republic, Sarah Palin must be defeated
John McCain's campaign has sunk to new low
We need a grown up as V.P.
Picture of the Day: McCain - Bush
Wash, rinse, repeat
The Republican Party is a joke
Go get 'em, Barack!
Words of wisdom
Picture of the day: John McCain (warning: scary)
A nation of 2 year olds?
Under the bus
Just one of us, baby! Kaboom!
Picture of the day: John McCain
Life begins at rape
Reckless and irresponsible
Another great comment on "sexism"
Why I despise neoconservatives
Picture of the day: Cindy McCain
Conservatism has failed; conservatives destroy gov...
Financial meltdown
Letting assholes take over the school yard
McCain picture of the day
These people belong in hell
Someone just like me
Sarah Palin picture of the day
The anti-feminist
McCain-Palin picture of the day
Falling for bullshit - again?
George W. Bush split the country right down the mi...
Defending Obama from silly accusations
McCain - Palin picture of the day
Sarah Palin quotes an anti-Semite
Feminism we can believe in
Just wondering
Words of wisdom: please read
Ashamed of my country
Portraits of McCain Palin
My biggest fears
If I was Barack Obama
John McCain is an ass-hole
A favorite quote
Quote to contemplate
What the hell is going on?
An elegant way of crying "Hypocrites"
They think you're stupid!
About Me
Doctor T
California, United States
My many hats include those of psychotherapist, college instructor, wife, mother, grandmother, writer, and proud liberal American. I was proud to support President Barack Obama from the very beginning, and I proudly support him today.
View my complete profile
Axis of Logic
Bill Moyers
Common Dreams
Crisis Papers
Crooks and Liars
Daily Kos
Family Wisdom
Huffington Post
Informed Comment
Longview Institute
Outraged Citizen
President's Intern
Talking Points Memo
Treblezine music reviews
War In Context