Monday, October 13, 2008

The change boat has pulled away from the old man on the dock

I find John McCain's "change is coming" mantra increasingly amusing. He used it again today in a "new" speech aimed at pumping verbal viagra into his flaccid campaign.

However, what McCain and the Winka from Wasilla fail to realize is that change has already come, and that is why they are losing.

More than a decade ago, the world started to change, favoring a global approach to problems, peaceful world solutions rather than war, government sponsored universal health care and education for all. And over the past eight years, this country has also been changing. Now more than fifty percent of the country reject the Bush approach to problems: war, an American superiority complex, and a free market approach to both health care and education. America has become more progressive and has rejected the Republican free market and religious fundamentalism that has so infected our government.

Barack Obama represents the change people have already made in their minds and hearts, so McCain's slogan sort of misses the boat. The change boat has already pulled away from the dock and the old man has only started yelling: "change is coming."

It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.