Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Ridiculous debate quote

John McCain has been saying this throughout the campaign:

"I'll get Osama bin Laden, my friends. I'll get him. I know how to get him. I'll get him no matter what and I know how to do it."

The question is, if McCain knows how to get him, why hasn't he told Bush? Wouldn't it be better to tell Bush his brilliant plan so we can end this dangerous threat to America now, rather than wait until McCain is elected, which will be never? When he says "no matter what" does he mean even when he loses? Is McCain going to go to Afghansitan and single-handedly get him? Is he going to form his own private army? What exactly does "no matter what" mean?

It all reminds me of Richard Nixon's "secret plan" to end the Vietnam War.

McCain has a lot of well-rehearsed sound bites to spew out - ("drill here, drill now" comes to mind) - but there is no thought behind any of the words. Obama keeps winning the debates because the viewers can see that he thinks.

And that is also why he is winning the election.