Saturday, October 11, 2008

Dangerous and undignified

When my children were teenagers, they suffered the usual disappointments - breakups of relationships, not making the team, not getting into the college they wanted. From time to time, I would remind them that whatever else happened, they needed to maintain their dignity.

John McCain, Cindy McCain, and Sarah Palin have all lost their dignity over the past few weeks. As their numbers went south, they started acting like jilted lovers, or jealous would-be cheerleaders. Palin started it with her attacks on Obama's "associations" and McCain followed up by echoing her charges.

Then Cindy McCain jumped on the bitter bandwagon by attacking Obama for voting against funding the troops, and using her position as the mother of a soldier to back up her outrage. Of course, McCain himself had voted against funding in a different vote, so her charge was absurd.

If they weren't so dangerous, so willing to whip up violence in their brain-dead, cult-like followers, they would be pitiful.