Monday, October 6, 2008

The winker of Wasilla

It amazes me how differently people see things.

Sarah Palin energizes crowds of Republicans around the country while Democrats don't know whether to mock her or despise her. So we do both as we contemplate the disaster of giving that woman any power in the world.

She is emblematic of everything I hate about Rovian politics. She lies, she smears, she smirks, she winks - well the winking is a new one. I don't know of any politician, man or woman, who has ever winked at the voters, at least not literally. Sure there have been a lot of wink, wink, nudge, nudge type dog-whistle coded language messages. But no candidate has ever actually winked - multiple times in a debate.

To many voters, that's simply insulting. To those like Rich Lowry who are actually physically aroused by Sarah Palin, I guess the winks are effective, but to any serious voter, who sees the precarious economic, climate, and foreign policy positions we find ourselves in right now, her coquettish display which she used to cover a despicable smarmy style of attack dog politics just doesn't cut it. She wants to flirt and lie while America burns.

I can't wait for the election to be over. Not only do I want the McCain Palin ticket smashed head first into the ground as they watch a landslide Obama victory, I want Palin destroyed politically for all time.

I want her to slink back to Alaska so I never have to see her face again. She is bad for the country, being a living breathing caricature of every crazy thing the Republican Party stands for - Rovian politics that ignore issues and lie about opponents in order to win, fundamentalist Christianity that rejects global warming, evolution, and common sense, and voodoo economics with its deregulation and destruction of the middle class.

But she is also bad for women and for the cause of women in politics. If she is the best women have to offer, as the Republican Party wants us to believe, she makes the case that women don't belong in politics because they are stupid vacuous creatures whose power rests in their seductiveness. This isn't what real feminists want. In fact, Sarah Palin represents the opposite of what strong, capable women want.

If Sarah Palin becomes the vice president, it will set the cause of women back 200 years. But it probably won't matter because a McCain-Palin administration would probably destroy the world in 2.