Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I can't survive four more years of Republican destruction

I'm tired.

I'm tired of fighting these bastards for eight years, these phony, greedy, secretive, lying, power mad, warmongering, selfish Republican bastards.

I'm tired of this election. I'm tired of John McCain's temper, his lies, his snark, his face, his oldness, his terrible judgment, and his phony maverick identity. I'm sick of hearing about his time as a POW. I'm tired of his hideous wife who props him up with her money, and of Joe Lieberman, who props him up with whispered reminders of things he keeps forgetting. I'm tired of the Republican smear and lie machine, and their do-anything-to-win approach.

I've heard pundits on television say that the only way McCain can win now is by attacking Obama on issues like Rev. Wright and by going totally negative - making Obama seem unsafe, unacceptable (too black?). This disgusts me. They don't want to win because they think they have better ideas. They just want to win. They don't want to win because they think they will be best for the country. They just want to win. And if the American people have decided they have more trust in Obama, then they just have to undermine that trust with lies and deceit. That's really putting country first.

I am so sick of hearing the media pretend that Sarah Palin is smarter than she is. She is dumber than a turnip, but she has learned how to fool people. I suppose that takes a certain type of intelligence - to be able to wear a mask and pretend you are something you are not. Bush did it well enough. But he has ruined the country with his ignorance and stubborness, and instead of choosing two candidates who are qualified this time, the Republicans chose one grumpy old phony who never was a real maverick, and one empty-headed woman who thinks she's hot shit, when she's just shit.

I'm sick and tired.

I want to believe in America again. I want to be proud of my country and my president. I want to elect someone with a brain. I want the American people to wake from the eight year stupor Bush put them in with his tricks and his lies and his Madison Avenue strategy of governing.

I want this horrible war to end, and mothers and fathers, husbands and wives of soldiers to be able to sleep at night knowing there won't be a knock on the door.

I want the greedy bastards on Wall Street punished. I want the people of this country to realize that while they voted for politicians who falsely promised they would end abortion and gay marriage, the country has gone to crap. And not just the country, but the planet.

Let's try and save the people that are already here, and stop voting solely on the basis of making abortion illegal, which will never happen anyway. Let's protect the planet instead of polluters. Let's worry about our own marriages and stop sticking our noses in the marriage dreams of our fellow citizens who are gay. Let's find a way to give everyone health insurance.

Let's grow up and vote for candidates who really tell us the truth, rather than those who just say they tell us the truth. Let's vote for candidates who offer real hope for the future, not those who live in the past. Let's vote for those who promise peace, not more war.

Because I honestly don't think I could live through four more years of the hell we've lived through these past eight. I've hung in there and fought, written, argued, and hoped that someday these bastards would be out of office, though I must say I wish we could throw them all in jail, before they all end up in hell. But there isn't enough fight in me to last four more years.

So we have to get it right this time. We can't be fooled again. We can't fall for the Rovian tactics and the empty headed candidates who are well prepped to fool the voters. We have to see through the masks and the lies and do the right thing. Because I don't think it's just me who can't last four more years under Republican rule.

I don't think the country can survive either.