Saturday, October 4, 2008

The pit bull vs. the class act

Sarah Palin in Colorado:

"There's been a lot of interest in what I read lately. Well, I was reading my copy of today's New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack's friends from Chicago. Turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man who, according to The New York Times was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol.' These are the same guys who think patriotism is paying higher taxes. This is not a man who sees America as you and I do - as the greatest force for good in the world. This is someone who sees America as imperfect enough to pal around with terrorists who targeted their own country. This, ladies and gentlemen, has nothing to do with the kind of change anyone can believe in - not my kids and not your kids. The only man who can take on Washington is John McCain."

Sorry, but she needs to decide who she is. Is she the devoted mother of a special needs child, and Christian woman who presumably has read the words of the New Testament (Love your neighbor) and the Ten Commandments (Do not bear false witness) or is she a female pit bull (bitch?) who is willing to say anything to win? Wasn't it cute how she got in that bit about her reading material, you know the material she couldn't remember the night before?

Here's the Obama campaign's response:

Governor Palin’s comments, while offensive, are not surprising, given the McCain campaign’s statement this morning that they would be launching Swiftboat-like attacks in hopes of deflecting attention from the nation’s economic ills. In fact, the very newspaper story Governor Palin cited in hurling her shameless attack made clear that Senator Obama is not close to Bill Ayers, much less ‘pals,’ and that he has strongly condemned the despicable acts Ayers committed 40 years ago, when Obama was eight. What’s clear is that John McCain and Sarah Palin would rather spend their time tearing down Barack Obama than laying out a plan to build up our economy.

Pure class!

Time for that trooper-gate report to be released.