Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A new type of political television

While the right wing has long accused the press of being "liberal," in actuality the mainstream media never propagandized for the left - certainly not in the way FOX News does today.

So in response to their belief that they would not get a fair shake from the press, the right wing created their own news outlets including the thousands of right wing talk radio stations and programs and their very own 24 hour news television channel. Radio programs like Rush Limbaugh and others built a huge following and skewered Democrats and "liberals" 24 hours a day. FOX News combined news and commentary and also captured a huge audience. These new outlets have had a lot to do with the conservative Republican victories of the past dozen years or so, providing an echo chamber of talking points for the party.

The left was slow to pursue a similar media strategy. Only a few years ago, Air America radio was launched with hosts like Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, and Rachel Maddow, among others. It never did as well as the listeners hoped and has, over the years, lost its headliners, Al Franken and Randi Rhodes. Only Rachel Maddow remains and now that she has a popular television program, she will probably leave soon. Air America may not survive.

As for television, there is no channel on the left comparable to FOX on the right. MSNBC has a few isolated shows including Hardball with Chris Matthews, and Countdown with Keith Olbermann, the latter show not only having a clear liberal bias, but also acting as competition for Bill O'Reilly on FOX. And as entertaining as Olbermann is, he is clearly over the top at times, thus leaving himself open to the claim that he is no different from FOX, the network he detests.

But there is a new show and a new star in liberal television that could become the model for more programs. Rachel Maddow launched her own show on MSNBC just three weeks ago and her ratings are great. A young, extremelly intelligent woman with a Ph.D., Maddow combines insightful interviews with fun and fairness and a clear liberal bias that does not put off guests who disagree with her. She has a wonderful way with people, and she doesn't need talking points as her mind is so quick to pinpoint holes in her opponents arguments, even as she disarms them with her courtesy and friendliness. She provides a depth in her interviews that isn't seen on FOX or the other networks.

Her show is one of the most intelligent political programs I have seen. Let's hope it will be the first of many. This type of program will educate the viewers as well as lift the discourse to a more civil and sophisticated level. It is such a different approach than that of Hannity, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, etc. where guests are intimidated and yelled at, hosts march to the Republican orders they are given, and not a single dissenting voice has a chance. Rachel doesn't win her arguments with bullying or sarcasm or nastiness, she wins with her brain.

Bravo, Rachel!