Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Today's Republican Party

I once thought the nomination and election of George W. Bush to the presidency was an anomoly. I once thought, in the long line of Republican presidents who were at least intelligent, he was the exception. He was the unintelligent, incurious, faith-based moron who was able to fool the nation and we now see the results - destruction in nearly every aspect of our society.

I never imagined that the party would nominate another imbecile. When McCain was nominated, though I disagreed with him on almost everything, and didn't think he was a flaming genius, I at least thought he was more qualified than Bush. I now realize I was wrong about that. And with the nomination of Sarah Palin to be vice president (and president in waiting, at least for the wing nut religious crowd) I realize this party has gone completely off the rails. If the best the party can find for their two nominees are McCain and Palin, then there has been some serious inbreeding going on within it. And the more ignorant they and their members are, the more dangerous, and the more corrupt.

From Stephen D. at Booman Tribune:

Nuclear War could break out and the Rove faction of the Republican Party would be looking to exploit it for their benefit. This is not a party of statesmen or patriots. It is not a party of principles and ideals worth fighting for.

It is the party of corruption, greed and lust for power. It is the party of political victory first, country second. It is the party of the ends justify the means. It is the party of Dominionist Christianity, the most extreme and violence prone form of Christian heresy whose practitioners are willing to do anything (including lie for Christ) to turn this nation into a theocracy, and whose poster hockey mom is Sarah Palin, a woman who believes that witches are real, that preachers can prophesy her political victories and that we are living in the "End Times," a woman who will be one heartbeat away for command of our nuclear codes should John McCain win election. It is the party of racists, bigots, warmongers, fat cats and pseudo-fascists like Rush Limbaugh who broadcast their lies, propaganda and virulent hate speech to millions each day.

It is a monster that has been terrorizing and destroying our nation and our Constitution for the last 30 years. Let us pray or hope its time is at an end. But make no mistake. It will not go quietly.