Friday, October 10, 2008

The demise of the republic?

The saddest thing in the world is when monumentally ignorant people simply cannot accept their own guilt and responsibility in doing something wrong, committing an immoral act, or just plain being stupid.

My guess would be that the bulk of people getting stirred up by McCain and Palin into violent fits of rage are the very same people who voted twice for George W. Bush and can't bring themselves to admit what a disaster he has been. Such an admission would mean they were profoundly wrong and bear some responsibility for the murderous rampage Bush has been on for eight years - in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and in New Orleans. And they also can't seem to connect the dots on how conservative ideology is what has led to this economic depression - instead they are going after Democrats in Congress who have been in power less than two years and couldn't accomplish anything in the Senate because the asshole republicans filibuster everthing. And since most of these people call themselves Christian I have decided I no longer consider myself a Christian because the word has become a label signifiying ignorance, prejudice, racism, hate, and a complete lack of concern for anyone other than themselves.

George W. Bush has destroyed everything he has touched. The country's economy is on the verge of collapse with groups of people expressing hatred that a presidential candidate is hoping will destroy his opponent. There are two ways to assassinate a candidate - with a gun or with words. For now, the attempted murder is with words, but how long before it includes bullets?

I loathe and despise John McCain and Sarah Palin - anyone who does not condemn these hatefilled, ignorant and totally depraved human beings is reponsible for anything violent that happens, including the demise of the republic, which for the first time in my 61 years I see as a real possibility.