Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Not change we can believe in

I find John McCain's "Change is coming" slogan laughable for two reasons:

1. He has been in the Senate over 20 years and has had plenty of time to work for change. He has voted with Bush 90% of the time and supports the same foreign and domestic policies Bush supports: continuation of the war in Iraq, continued deregulation, social security privatization, tax cuts for the wealty, etc.

2. He fails to realize that the reason his is likely to lose this election is that change has already come. The world has changed and the electorate has changed. John McCain is living in the past, and Sarah Palin, however perky and modern she may seem, comes from Alaska, a state that represents the way America was 100 years ago or more - when much of America was frontier. John McCain and Sarah Palin may look like a change from George Bush and Dick Cheney, but the changes they propose are just more of the same.

As John McCain is so fond of saying "That's not change we can believe in!"