Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Dolittle's big night

Vice presidential debates are usually inconsequential.

This one, however, will at least be interesting.

Media pundits and political strategists are coming up with all sorts of predictions about how well Sarah Dolittle's performance will be. Some warn not to underestimate her. Others think Biden better watch his step.

I find it really hard to believe that after the dozen or so disastrous Couric interviews, Palin could actually come off looking intelligent, let alone win the debate.

This I do know. She is the perfect example of a Republican candidate and as such she will show us the Republican debate style: lie, attack, offer sound bites, and change the subject.

If she does that well, some pundits will praise her, even though I think we can safely predict she will have said nothing of consequence about policy or positions. She will give us no reason to think she is qualified unless all you need to be qualified is the ability to lie, attack, offer sound bites, and change the subject.