This morning Jo(k)e and Mika were outraged - OUTRAGED - that the media spent any time on the news that Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant and unmarried.
Of course the entire time they were expressing how horrible the media was for "outing" the daughter, the news scroll at the bottom of the screen on their own network was repeating the news, and pictures were shown of the daughter holding the Governor's baby, a huge baby blanket covering her in the middle of summer.
Children aren't fair game, they said, and shame on the media. Then they continued to talk about it with every guest they had on - for three hours. They really need a good look in the mirror.
There certainly was a lot of other news about Sarah Palin they could have focused on, like the revelation that she belonged to the Alaska Independence Party - not Independent Party, but Independence Party. Unlike John McCain's motto "country first," this is a party whose motto is "Alaska First." These people want Alaska to secede from the union. This would have been a great story - and something to take the focus off of the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter. But they didn't go there, not once. They just kept expressing their outrage about what the press - including of course the two of them - were talking about.
They could have talked about "troopergate" a scandal for which the governor is being investigated, an alleged abuse of power in which she fired the head of the Alaska state troopers for not firing her brother in law who was involved in a custody battle with her sister. They could have spent time honestly comparing the "experience" of Barack Obama to that of Sarah Palin, which the Republicans are doing dishonestly. Sarah Palin's experience is, to borrow a phrase from Bill Clinton, a "fairy tale." But they didn't go there.
They could also have talked about McCain's latest hire: South Carolina political advisor Tucker Eskew, the man who orchestrated the smears against John McCain, his wife and his young adopted daughter in his 2000 campaign against George W. Bush. They could have wondered aloud why McCain would object to negative stories against him or his running mate when he was now putting his stamp of approval on the man who smeared him. But they didn't.
There are plenty of reasons to keep talking about the Republican Party's hypocrisy, double standard, and do anything to win strategy, which includes Palin's choice to risk the "outing" of her daughter by taking the job McCain offered her, and putting her daughter under the intense media spotlight that is the norm in a presidential cycle, but that isn't the point of this post.
My point here is that Jo(k)e and Mika are hypocrites who get ratings by attacking the press for a story from which they are benefiting. That's one of the many reasons why I call the show Morning Jo(k)e.
Of course the entire time they were expressing how horrible the media was for "outing" the daughter, the news scroll at the bottom of the screen on their own network was repeating the news, and pictures were shown of the daughter holding the Governor's baby, a huge baby blanket covering her in the middle of summer.
Children aren't fair game, they said, and shame on the media. Then they continued to talk about it with every guest they had on - for three hours. They really need a good look in the mirror.
There certainly was a lot of other news about Sarah Palin they could have focused on, like the revelation that she belonged to the Alaska Independence Party - not Independent Party, but Independence Party. Unlike John McCain's motto "country first," this is a party whose motto is "Alaska First." These people want Alaska to secede from the union. This would have been a great story - and something to take the focus off of the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's daughter. But they didn't go there, not once. They just kept expressing their outrage about what the press - including of course the two of them - were talking about.
They could have talked about "troopergate" a scandal for which the governor is being investigated, an alleged abuse of power in which she fired the head of the Alaska state troopers for not firing her brother in law who was involved in a custody battle with her sister. They could have spent time honestly comparing the "experience" of Barack Obama to that of Sarah Palin, which the Republicans are doing dishonestly. Sarah Palin's experience is, to borrow a phrase from Bill Clinton, a "fairy tale." But they didn't go there.
They could also have talked about McCain's latest hire: South Carolina political advisor Tucker Eskew, the man who orchestrated the smears against John McCain, his wife and his young adopted daughter in his 2000 campaign against George W. Bush. They could have wondered aloud why McCain would object to negative stories against him or his running mate when he was now putting his stamp of approval on the man who smeared him. But they didn't.
There are plenty of reasons to keep talking about the Republican Party's hypocrisy, double standard, and do anything to win strategy, which includes Palin's choice to risk the "outing" of her daughter by taking the job McCain offered her, and putting her daughter under the intense media spotlight that is the norm in a presidential cycle, but that isn't the point of this post.
My point here is that Jo(k)e and Mika are hypocrites who get ratings by attacking the press for a story from which they are benefiting. That's one of the many reasons why I call the show Morning Jo(k)e.