Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Welcome to the future, Republicans

After hearing the open mic exchange between Peggy Noonan, Mike Murphy and Chuck Todd, in which they basically agree that it's "over" for McCain, we should see how frightened and disheartened they really are. Noonan and Murphy are hard core Republicans who always toe the party line, and Todd is supposed to be neutral.

There is blood in the water, and barring catastrophe, which could always happen with these lying, cheating, scumbags, we are going to achieve victory in November.

I sense the panic in their media strategy, their promise to hit Barack again with every scandal they've already trotted out, their hiding of Sarah and attaching her to McCain for the next week of campaigning so she doesn't mess up, their ramped up lies, their accusations of sexism and childism (my made up phrase for attacking the children), their whining, and their canonization of Saint Bristol and her fiance as poster children for the pro-life teen birth movement.

They thought they had it made, with their think tanks and dominance of talk radio. But Dems have their think tanks now and their talk radio, and in addition a huge advantage in their countless blogs and websites. If you want to get out your side of the story on the right, you have to wait for Hannity or Limbaugh to start their show. If you are a Dem, however, and get ahold of a scoop, a video (like the Noonan - Murphy one), a picture, it goes out instantly and in five minutes has made its way around the world.

Sarah Palin left a trail of fodder for the press that goes for hundreds of thousands of miles, a trail of videos, speeches, emails, firings, and disgruntled opponents and former family members, all of which are coming to a blog near you, if not today, then tomorrow.

Welcome to the future Republicans, a future that includes white, black, brown, straight, gay, men, women, old and young in contrast to the all white audience at your convention this week.

And welcome to the future of political campaigns, where Limbaugh and Hannity no longer control the discourse.