Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Not this time

If I get through this election season without my head exploding it will be a miracle.

The shear hypocrisy and utter dishonesty and total cynicism of this McCain campaign astounds me. Sometimes I feel I am in the twilight zone where the space aliens are cooking the humans, or Wonderland where up is down and here is there, or 1984, where Eastasia is now Eurasia and we all have to pause for the 2 minutes hate.

Hypocrisy: Saying Palin is a maverick and will fight special interests when she hired lobbyists to get pork for her town of 6000, supported the Bridge to Nowhere, and applied for all kinds of pork projects that McCain supposedly rejected.

Saying Sarah Palin's children are victims of the media and should be off limits when she used them to get the women's and the family values vote and trotted them out for photo-ops and Meghan McCain's blog, where the littlest girl said "Vote for my mom." And when she used the images of little Trig, a child with Down syndrome, to promote her political pro-life position.

Saying you have family values and you want to do right by your children and then expose your teenagers pregnancy to the entire world and fly her shotgun wedding fiance from Alaska so he can stand on the stage with your pregnant daughter after you give your acceptance speech. Dear God what other mother would do that to a child she supposedly loves? "What will we tell the children?"

Dishonesty: Saying you were against the Bridge to Nowhere when you were for it first.

Saying you are ethical when you fire people because they won't fire your hated brother in law.

Saying you're against earmarks when you're the queen of earmarks.

Saying you believe in family values when you care so little about your children's well being that you would even consider such a full time, 24 hour a day job.

Padding your resume (stopover at the airport in Ireland on way to Kuwait on first trip out of country now means a visit to Ireland?).

Cynicism: Thinking the American people are so stupid that they will fall for this bullshit again?

Thinking that you can avoid the media spotlight and still become the queen of the GOP?

Attacking Barack Obama for being a "celebrity" and then trying to make the veep pick a "rock star?"

These guys are pure evil and the American people aren't falling for it this time.